Consumer's Claims

If you have a defective CLA product:

  • Stop using the product
  • Locate your proof of purchase, or your electrician’s invoice, and have on hand
  • Contact the store from which you purchased the product OR
  • The Electrical contractor who purchased on your behalf, who should then contact the store from which they purchased the product
  • Please provide the following information:


Your Name
Your Email Address
Your Phone Number
Purchaser’s Name
Purchaser’s Phone Number
Purchaser’s Email Address
Date of Purchase  
Installation Address / Project or Job Name
Installing Electrical Contractor’s Name
Installing Electrical Contractor’s Company Name
Installing Electrical Contractor’s ABN No
Installing Electrical Contractor’s Licence No
Installing Electrical Contractor’s Phone No
CLA Part Number
Installation of product – as much information as possible  








Nominate quantity of product used on the circuit
Was a dimmer installed YES or No

Brand and Model:

Was the circuit 2 way switched YES or NO


Download Claim Form